behind the scenes of a commercial being filmed


Something is happening to digital advertising.
The Mad Men era of advertising (1960s-1980s) was all about the Creative.  Big ideas, creativity, and copywriting were king. 

But the internet changed everything.

With browsers tracking user behavior and social platforms enabling precise targeting. Creative strategy took a backseat, leading to inefficiencies.

Most creative strategies now rely on trends and copying competitors, rather than predictive data based on customer behavior. Marketers hire agencies to test multiple creatives, hoping to find the 10-20% of ads they test that can scale up.
The Turning Point

But change is here. Major ad platforms have moved away from intrusive tracking methods due to privacy regulations and policy shifts. This change has limited marketers' ability to rely solely on targeting and bidding strategies to reach the right audience.

Now, ‘creative is king’ in targeting the right buyers. Without the crutch of hyper-targeting, the quality and relevance of your creative assets are more crucial than ever.

We’re building a future where digital marketers seamlessly manage media buying and creative testing on a single platform. Our platform provides granular performance insights to reveal which parts of an ad work best. Need a new voiceover, copy, music, hook, or actor? Our AI generates dozens of variations instantly.

iphone with tiktok on the screen18 year old girl scrolling on her phone while she sits on the couch
showstop's performance dashboard
The New Era
Imagine a seamless cycle of performance analysis, creative production, and media deployment. Our platform integrates with ad networks, offering real-time insights and data from your campaigns. It proactively recommends tweaks for both creatives and media spend, ensuring optimal performance.

Our platform automates asset variation by tapping into your existing media library. It identifies the perfect assets, edits them, and produces ready-to-launch ads. No more juggling agencies or missed deadlines. Control is back in the hands of paid marketers.
ShowStop's Journey

Today, we’ve built the best platform for performance marketers to produce video ad creatives. Transform your top-performing media into fresh, conversion-focused ads. Instantly generate multiple variations, testing every element from the hook to the CTA.

In the next 12 months, we will add deeper predictive analytics and creative scoring, evolving continuously as we gather more data from the platforms.

Join us in building this future. With our platform, you have the power to create, optimize, and deploy high-performing campaigns effortlessly, putting your brand ahead in the competitive market. Together, we will make creativity and performance go hand-in-hand, driving unparalleled success.

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